Sunday, October 14, 2012

My sister came to me today with the idea of designing a t-shirt for her schools annual Halloween fundraising event Nightmare Trail. We sat down together and over the course of a couple hours came up with the text and original artwork. To the printers on the morrow!

Tee design and artwork.



Saturday, October 13, 2012

Took some time off to take the wife on a date and meet artist in the Chattanooga area. Having moved away for schooling and returning to my birthplace with a new life and fresh take I'm happy to see how Chattanooga is maturing. Oktoberfest at the Chattanooga Market was great; followed by a midday slumber and ending with the movie Beauty is Embarrassing which ended with a Q and A session by Mr. Wayne White; the hillbilly turned Hollywood art director turned what-ever-the-heck he wants to call himself now.

I've been doing more traditional works recently and haven't made the time to begin scanning, color-correcting, and uploading for all you digital digesters to visually choke on.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Figure drawings done without reference or model(s).

Thursday, August 23, 2012

A flyer I designed for a close friend who is leading a unique bible study in the Cincinnati area. Check out the design and if you live in the Cinci. area check out the bible study.

All fonts from All textures and images from

More post coming as I find the time. In the meantime you can check out my wife and I's blog about our garden(s), activities, home remodeling and whatever adventures we are living out in our new life together as one. If you are into food and/or a healthy lifestyle check out my wife's most excellent food blog (free and yummy money saving tips inside)!

EDIT  8.26.2012 - Uploaded a revised design.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

I'm back on the blog. I got married, purchased a home-place, thereafter moved, started a garden and found some time to make art.

A few sketches and studies of various things imaginary and real on my new tool (more on the newness in a future post).

Cloud study - used photo ref. I'm pretty pleased with the result and look forwards to doing future cloud studies.

Assortment of trees and grasses.

First sketch since getting hitched!

Alien bust sketched in alchemy.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Hello bloggers, readers, visitors and friends.

I've moved back to Chattanooga, TN and am in the process of renovating my new house and making wedding plans. Post frequency will be low due to lack of Internet and a shifted focus. My sketch blog should be back up to normal by the end of June.

In the meantime you may visit my new website, found in the links section and written below, or contact me, using the contact page.
Cobalt :)

Friday, March 30, 2012

Been busy lately with more news to come in the future.

For now I'll leave you with this quick "sea dragon" sketch. Think I'll let this one sit on the shelf  a bit before coming back to it.

Be safe while surfing the high seas web.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Playing around with "Blurs Good Brush 4.0" and no pressure sensitivity. This piece is a culmination of three speed paintings painted one atop the other. Finished with an interesting cut-out or collage effect that brings to mind folk music album covers.
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